Stoic was born June 2022. He is the son of Jumping Frog Jag and Jumping Frog Cheyenne. He is an excellent guardian and a really good boy! He has a very sweet but intimidating “smile”. He likes to lay upside down in his peoples’ laps to get tummy rubs and cuddles.

Vilk was born November 2023 to Stoic and Bella. He started training with sheep when he was 5 weeks old. He is a large pup who loves his people and is humble with his sheep. He likes snuggling with his people while he watches his sheep.

Ziggy is the “General” of the farm. He is very much in charge and keeps his paw in everything. He loves his family and guards them well. He is extremely intelligent and takes his “cue” from his family. I love this about him…he is sweet and gentle to everything and everyone that we welcome, but will be aggressive to anything or anyone who is threatening his family or farm. Ziggy adores children and keeps a close eye on any little farm visitors. He enjoys having his ears scratched and will often groan with pleasure if you get that itching spot in his ear.
King is a handsome ball of fluff. He is already showing an “in charge” attitude. He will be spending time with the goat guardians then ultimately taking over guarding of the whole farm. We are looking forward to seeing who he becomes but are thoroughly enjoying his puppy hood.